tirsdag 26. januar 2010

The storm named "Ask"

Today the storm "Ask" is going to visit my region,Vesterålen.The weather report announced storm in some parts i northern Norway,up to 30 meters per second.
I'm very excited and quite happy that I get to stay indoors.
It's nice listening to the weather,the wind hammering to the window while you have light the candles and can enjoy a nice cup of tea!:-)

2 kommentarer:

  1. The wind didn't make it all the way in here were I live, but it's cold outside. Yesterday my shoes were frozen to the floor :)) I'll be looking forward to following your blog. Have a nice sunday!


  2. Hi OleG!:-)
    The wind was not so strong here,but the weather report is announcing a new storm on Wednesday.
    Nice to see that you are following my blog.

    Have a nice day!:-)

