fredag 25. juni 2010

Long live Zeppelin

Aaa,Bonzo,Jimmy,John Paul and Robert!I never get tired of you guys!

Long,long time since I listened to Zeppelin.I disse dager har jeg kun mulighet til å spille gamle Prøysen-viser samt muntre Margrethe Munthe-låter til "litjingen".Ja,ikke at det er noe i veien med det.Både Prøysens og Munthes viser inneholder et budskap som jeg synes er viktig å formidle til min sønnen.Ta for eksempel Jørgen Hattemaker:graset er grønt før aille.Stemmer det!Sønnen min skal vokse opp i trua at alle,uansett hvem du er eller hvor du kommer fra, betyr like mye.Han skal vokse opp i trua på sæ sjøl,et argument jeg brukte da vi spørsmålet om ungen ikke skulle døpes.

Likevel må en ikke glemme at vi finner mye god moral blant hans mors gamle rockehelters tekster.Så hvorfor har jeg ikke spilt gammel Zeppelin til han tidligere?

Her om dagen var jeg på et handelsstandens store kjøpesentre,hvor jeg fant en body med skriften printet mitt på brystet:Sleep,hugs...and rock'n'roll.På bodyen var det avbildet en gitar,desverre en rød Fender.Jaja,jeg får konkretisere at Page spiller på en Gibson.

Uansett,det gikk opp for meg at det er nå som strikongen er 6 måneder at jeg må sette inn nådestøtet.Tidligere har vi spilt litt "soft rock",slik at han skal få en myk overgang til den skikkelige rocken.Nei,ikke "hard rock".Bare "skikkelig rock"!Han har forsåvidt blitt vant til det med tanke på at jeg spilte tung,tung Sabbath og Rainbow da jeg var ganske så svanger.

Så idag tenkte jeg å introdusere han for Bron-Yr-Aur stomp, for deretter kjøre på med The Ocean. Den siste sånn at mora kan mimre tilbake da hun var "stor",sto på ei scene på en luguber uteplass i distriktet,ga alt og hadde full kontroll over stemmen...Sukk!

Vi får se om det faller i smak.

God helg,folkens!:-)

Led Zeppelin - Earl's Court (1975) - "Bron-Yr-Aur Stomp"

Led Zeppelin The Ocean 1973

onsdag 23. juni 2010

Der var kurset ferdig...

Der hadde man fullført kurset IKT og læring 1, 30 studiepoeng.Er godt fornøyd med resultatet!
Anbefaler dette faget til flere, det var svært interessant å jobbe med.I tillegg svært lettvint med tanke på at studiet foregår over nett og en slipper å reise.Perfekt for de som er i samme situasjon som meg.

Nå er det ferie,men ser lite til sommerværet!:-(
Var ute å trillet tur med "litjingen og doggen",men måtte ha på stillongs og ullvotter.
Og da er vi snart i juli!
St.Hans-aften ble ikke feiret med bål og grillmat,men...fiskeboller i hvitsaus.Jei!
Heldigvis er det bestilt tur til syden,så jeg har noe å se frem til.
Imens kan en nyte synet av sommerbildene i fra i fjor.

Ha en god sommer alle sammen!:-)

fredag 23. april 2010

“If you don’t exist on Google, you don’t exist at all”

We live in an information society with rapid development in technology. We have access to mobile phones, personal computers and televisions at any time. Thus, we are surrounded by vast amounts of information, including information about the private lives of most people because we want to be part of the information published and distributed on the Internet.

This is how Wikipedia describes the information society .New technologies are adopted and there is almost no limit to the opportunities in ICT. It’s constantly changing and advancing as scientists and engineers create new technologies for us to use and enjoy. In the last 50 years technologies such as personal computer, the internet, mobile phones, television etc. have become commonplace for us. And because of these tools, we are well positioned to publish, disseminate and obtain information quickly and efficiently. An example is my mother who wanted a recipe for apple pie without milk because she is lactose intolerant. She saw this as an impossible task. I explained to her that it was just to Google "apple pie without milk” and then it came up several recipes. She was quite surprised and it all culminated when I showed her that it was actually a website called ( with recipes designed specifically for those with lactose intolerance.

So either we want a recipe, read the news, pay our bills or just get updated on the latest gossip, is quite simple just because of the development of the technology, but also because of the distribution and processing of information as an important cultural activity in our society. This information can be public, but lately, many of us had a desire to publish information about our privacy on the Internet, these through channels such as facebook, twitter, blogs etc.
We create a profile with name, photo and other basic information. Then we write a little about our interests, our political standpoint, maybe a little bit about what kind of music we like, etc. If we are part of, for example facebook, then we always updated on the newest information about our friends, family and colleagues trough for example status updates and pictures. The same is for blogging.

In Norway it is most common for people under 30 years old to blog. And often we see so called pink bloggers with very girly topics in their blog, young girl’s blogging about make-up and fashion, because this is their big interests. Blogging is quite common in the United States. Here are the bloggers older and they write about more serious things such as politics, music and other topics that is current. A trend that I think will reach Norway in short time.

But I can’t help ask the question. Why do we create a profile on facebook? Why do we blog? Why do we want to publish information about our privacy on the internet where everyone can have an insight in our life?
Of course, we can choose to have a low profile and remain private. Though it’s difficult not to write about who you are and why you have your opinion about politics or music. Some information about our privacy will be publish either we want it or not. And if you don’t get personal, the blog might get boring and people lose interest reading about you. I meet people who don't have either facebook, blog, MSN or twitter. They tell me that they don't want to publish private information for example trough facebook. Though they feel left aside because everyone else communicate and keeping updated on the web. They say that they feel a pressure to establish for example a blog just to keep up with the rest of the society. A large proportion of their friends are a part of it, and these friends publish information about these on their profiles online.They feel that they are automatically a part of this society because of this.

For these people the saying, if you don’t exist on Google, then you don’t exist at all becomes a reality. It can seem quite brutal. Another example that this saying becomes a reality, is from my practice at a secondary school. I and my co-student did an inquiry on this school about young people’s habits when they use the internet. A large proportion of the students had accession to a computer, either their own or the family’s computer. And a larger proportion had a profile either on twitter, facebook, nettby or they had their own blog. Often they had profiles on all of these arenas. My impression is that if these young people didn’t have a profile on the web or a blog, they weren’t popular. It seemed like the young people social life took place on the web, either for example trough MSN or trough blogging. This means that they also had access to a lot of information and was updated at any time.

The pupils used their computers either communicates through the mentioned arenas. In addition to this, they used their computer to listen to the latest music, play the newest games and looking at the newest fashion. That means that they were always updated on the latest news within their field of interest. Few students were using the vast information that was found on the Internet for schoolwork. They culture was distributing and processing information about themselves and their friends on the web.
These people live their social life on the web and if they don’t? Then you aren’t popular, you don’t “exists”. But it’s not just the young people that live their social life on the web. It is becoming more and more seldom that I actually meet my friends face to face. Still I know what’s going on in their life because I either by communicate with them by chat programs or I read their blog.

This is a video about social networking. It tell us how it work when we live our social life on the web:

We don’t just live our social life on the web; we also live our emotional life on the web. Are we happy, we will write about it in our blog. Are we sad, then we want to share it. Are we mad, we definitely want to share it with the rest of the world. Not to talk about if we are in love, then we want to tell it to the whole wide world. And what is more easily and effectively than to publish it on the World Wide Web? We now easily have access to the tool that helps us publish information about ourselves on the web. We can for example take pictures with our camera, publish them trough either our mobile phones or our personal computers.

So why do we choose to expose ourselves on the web, why do we want to share our private information on the web? Well, I think that the human beings have always had a desire to confirm that they actually exist. By publishing our pictures, our mind or our political opinions either through the blog or facebook so we get response. Perhaps more response than if we were standing on the street and screamed out the same things. When we publish information about ourselves on the web, we actually saying: Hey, look here! I do exist! I think that we act in a new way in the information society, is quite usual to expose our private information because we get a confirmation that we exist when we receive feedback from such a large audience.
Another reason why we choose to expose ourselves on the web is because it is a way to draw attention. In our blog, we want to pleasure others by giving them an opportunity to read about our lives. We want to inspire other people, some think blogging is a way to get known and make money. But all in all it comes down to that we want to be seen and recognized, it’s about recognition.

We want an attestation that we actually exist, and the saying is becoming a reality: if you don’t exist on Google, then you don’t exist at all!

Seth Godin & Tom Peters talks about blogging and why we choose to expose ourselves on the web:

onsdag 21. april 2010

ICT in the school

This text is about the use of ICT in school,Arne Tragetons pedagogy where he use ICT in the basic writing- and reading instruction and my views on this type of education.

søndag 11. april 2010

Private life and digital traces

Today we want to maintain our privacy in the best way. But we forget to take our precautions when surfing the internet and leave behind several digital traces, enough traces to reveal who we are. What causes this carelessness?

I start my day by waking up, put on the coffee, making me breakfast before I sit down with my computer. I log on the internet, first I check my mail, and then I check my profile on facebook to see if any of my friends have digested their breakfast and coffee. But most of all I’m curious if there is any juicy gossip. While I’m logged on facebook, I open a new banner and write in my banks website so that I can pay my bills. Meanwhile a tempting offer pops up on a commercial on one of the news webs I visit. So I decide to do some shopping on the web by using my credit card while I enjoying my morning coffee. Then I remember that I have forgotten to response on the e-mail I received last night, so I open my e-mail to take care of it. It’s only been half an hour, but already I have left behind several of digital traces. Enough traces to disclose who I am, my type of personality and interests. And I’m a not worried, because I ain’t giving the consequences over leaving digital traces a thought.

According to the advice of technology the amount of digital traces has increased because we communicate more and more over the web. An example is when I communicate via the web, and then our traces will be registrated and saved. This means that we can find out when the conversation took place and also the content of the conservation. Erichsen write that cookies, these so called “information pods”, are necessary though they contains a lot of information about you and what you do on the internet, example your surf habits.

My Ip-address will be registrated everywhere I go on the net. Hasselgård compare watching the Ip-address with watching telephone calls, this contains watching your intimate confidences. Though the IP-address is anonymous and can only be accessible for the police with a approval from a tribunal, it’s possible to find out more about the address according to Erichsen. When you send an e-mail, you’ve already disclosed your IP-address. The address can be disclosed either caused by bad safety on your computer or that the computer is provoked to give away its IP-address when you go online with the computer. If you have the IP-address, you can find out where is located. And according to Erichsen there are programs that can scan any computer that are online with an IP-address and then find out a lot about a person.

The picture is taken from
That means, with a little detective job it’s possible to find out a lot about a person just by sending an e-mail. For me it seems that the IP-addresses are no longer anonymous. Also the digital traces we leave behind are now according to Hafskjold more familiar and potential disclosing than before and they can be used by following your movement. Important personal information is therefore approachable for un-concerned. As I mentioned in the prelude, I had surfed on the web just half an hour and already leaving several digital traces. If it’s so easy to find out about a person’s personal life only with digital traces we leave behind, why aren’t we more careful when we surf and communicate on the web?

Scott McNeil from Sun Microsystems stated i 99' that we have zero privacy, anyway get over it. This means that we have given up taking our precautions when surfing the Web because we know we cannot control our private information which is out there?
The Norwegian supervision of data’s has implanted a survey on people’s attitude to digital traces. The survey shows that people are less worried by abuse over their personal information that they leave surfing on the web. The reason that I don’t worry about the traces I leave behind, due to my ignorance. And that’s the reason why we don’t worry, our knowledge about digital traces are minimal. According to the technology advice, people don’t know the consequences this has for they own private information.

If I move my daily chores from the web to the “real” life. Example if I go to the bank and pay my bills, I go to the store and do my shopping, then I go to the café for some chatting with my friends. When I go to the bank to pay my bills, I keep my account and my personal code to the account to myself. When I pay for my shopping, I keep my wallet to myself and when I chat with my friends the conversation is just between me and my friends, no other.

My point is that when it comes to laws and rules regarding personal information we have strong social and ethical norms, but not when it comes to the way we act on the web. We keep our information about ourselves close to our chest and we don’t sneak in other people’s personal information. In Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights, it says: Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence.
It seems that this rule has not received proper footing when it comes to the life we live on the internet. According to Bing, the norms and rules when it comes to digital traces don’t exist because this is new for us. It has been a explosive technologic development, and the digital traces are useful. But since we don’t have developed attitudes to these traces, we don’t have ethical norms on this field. We cross borders because we easily have access on personal information. Weather this due to ignorance to the digital traces, curiosity or just simple cheekiness I think we can avoid thus if we developed ethical norms when it comes to the digital traces.

China has chosen to ban facebook and twitter because of the ethical rights citizens have when it comes to private information.Should we go to such drastic measures in order to preserve privacy? It is up to each individual to decide.

This video about Andy made me realize that there is endless information about me in the digital dossier, I can say that I have a private life? See it if you think you have a private life.

This video from World Business ask the question "Is privacy a thing of the past?". The video present facts about our habits on the web, and also our privacy there.We get views from Privacy experts, researchers and other professionals in the field.

fredag 26. mars 2010

Digital mobbing

I dag står vi ovenfor 2 typer mobbing, den tradisjonelle mobbinga og mobbing gjennom digitale medier. Den tradisjonelle mobbinga har vært forsket mye på, mens mobbinga gjennom digitale medier er noe vi vet lite om. Likevel har Konfliktrådet i 2009 behandlet rundt 100 saker om mobbing, trusler og ærekrenkelser som har funnet sted på nettet og sms.

Mobbing gjennom digitale medier er en ny type mobbing som ikke fantes for par-tre år siden og det finnes ulike typer av denne mobbinga; legger ut bilder av hverandre, legger ut bilder av hverandre der en ber andre gir karakteristikker på utseende, sanger og rap som karakteriserer andre, Utsendelse av e-poster og chatting i andres navn, etter å ha fått kjennskap til passord. På SMS er det mye sjikane og mye ord, og meldinger hva man skal gjøre med den andre parten.

Vi gjennomførte en undersøkelse som omhandlet mobbing gjennom digitale medier, for å undersøke om det hvordan denne nye typen mobbing foregikk, hva er likehetene og forskjellene ved mobbing gjennom digitale medier og den tradisjonelle mobbinga, hvem mobber og hvem blir mobber på nett? Grunnen til denne undersøkelsen var for å få et bilde av den digitale mobbinga fra personer som faktisk ser denne mobbinga med egne øyne og fordi det fantes svært lite informasjon om dette emnet. Grunnen tror vi kan være at den teknologiske utviklinga har vært eksplosiv de siste åra. Vi bruker store deler av tida vår på internett og kommunikasjon gjennom digitale medier. Der det foregår kommunikasjon er det fare for at trusler og ærekrenkelser kan skje. I tillegg står vi ovenfor et informasjonssamfunn der det er svært enkelt å laste opp og publisere informasjon som for eksempel bilder og videoer.

Undersøkelsen ble utført på en ungdomsskole. Vi intervjuet elever samtidig som vi utførte en spørreundersøkelse som omhandlet elevenes nettvaner og deres tilgang på PC. Av de elevene som var med i undersøkelsen svarte alle at de hadde tilgang på PC, de hadde enten sin egen PC eller de hadde tilgang på PC i hjemmet. Da de ble spurt om hva de bruker PC-en mest til ble det oppgitt musikk og chatting på nettet. Jeg spurte elevene hvilke nettsider de besøkte mest når de surfet på internett. De som gikk mest igjen blant elevene var facebook, nettby og youtube. MSN ble også nevnt som en chattekanal. Alle disse er arenaer der man kan chatte med hverandre, sende meldinger, publisere foto og video. Det var tydelig at elevene var aktive på disse. En annen viktig faktor var at internett er en svært viktig del av deres kommunikasjonsarena. Dermed er det vanskelig å unngå denne type kommunikasjon.

Når vi snakker om den tradisjonelle mobbinga tenker vi på verbal og fysisk vold som foregår ansikt til ansikt, samtidig som vi har det man kaller jentemobbing som foregår der en blir utfryst fra vennekretsen, nettverk og miljø. Men mobbinga som skjer gjennom digitale medier, foregår ofte på de arenaer jeg har nevnt ovenfor. Da vi spurte hvordan denne mobbinga foregikk, var det mange forskjellige svar vi fikk.
Elevene ga uttrykk for at det var veldig vanlige med såkalte hat-meldinger. Det vil si at elevene sendte hverandre meldinger over nettby,facebook, MSN eller sms der mottaker sendte tomme trusler som ”Hvis du kommer på skolen i morgen skal jeg drepe deg”. Enkelte hadde blitt så plaget med hat-meldinger at de hadde måttet slette sin profil fra nettby. Når elevene møtte på skolen dagen etter skjedde det ingen konfrontasjon annet enn stygge blikk som ble sendt fra avsender.

Et annet fenomen som gikk igjen i denne mobbinga var at elevene drev med mye baksnakking på skolen og fortsatte dette når de kom hjem og satte seg framfor PC-en. Kommentarer av den personen de baksnakket ble vekslet over nett og grunnen til dette er at det er svært enkelt å kommunisere over nettet. Det var veldig lett å spre løgn og rykter. Elevene sa at dersom du skriver noe på nettby, facebook eller msn gikk det som ild i tørt gress, mye raskere enn om elevene skulle spre dette direkte mellom hverandre.

Å kunne ta bilder eller filme er veldig lett fordi de fleste har mobiltelefoner med kamera eller web-kamera. Like lett er det å laste opp disse og distribuere de på internett. Elevene fortalte at elevene tok bilde eller filmet hverandre i pinlige situasjoner. Bilder ble lagt ut på nett og inviterte publikum til å kommentere på bildene. Selv om bildet ble rapportert gikk det langt tid før det ble fjernet av nettby, facebook eller youtube. Det samme gjaldt videoer. Elever ble filmet i pinlige situasjoner, videoen ble lagt ut på internett for kommentarer. Noen ganger kunne bilder og videoer bli manipulert ansiktet til vedkommende ble klippet ut og limt inn på andre kropper.

Det som gikk igjen av digital mobbing var sjikanering, truing, kalling samtidig som dette var svært lett å distribuere. En kan bli filmet i et øyeblikk, og i neste øyeblikk er det publisert enten på nettby eller youtube, åpent for alle å gå inn å kommentere. Det inntrykket vi fikk av denne mobbinga var at den var veldig vanlig, flere hadde venner som hadde opplevd sjikane på internett. Fordi det er så lett å skrive brev, chatte, møter ikke ansikt til ansikt. Ment ofte i en spøk, men vanskelig å forstå det når det ligger film ute på youtube av deg i en pinlig setting.
Noe annet som skilte digital mobbing fra den tradisjonelle mobbinga var, hvem mobberne var og hvem ble mobbet. I den tradisjonelle mobbinga er de sterke som mobber de svake. Men i digital mobbing fant vi gjennom undersøkelsen at dette var motsatt. Ofte var det de svake som mobbet de sterke, de krenket dem for å bli svakere. De svake som ble mobbet på denne måten ble krenket for å bli enda svakere.

Videoen viser hvor sårbar en er når barn kommuniserer over internett:

Grunnen tror jeg til at det er snudd på og det er de svake som mobber tror jeg kommer av settingen kommunikasjonen foregår i. Når eleven kommuniserer over nett, sitter han framfor PC-en og en direkte kommunikasjon finner ikke sted. De elevene vi intervjuet ga uttrykk for at det var var enklere å si ting på nettby, sms eller msn enn det er når de står ansikt til ansikt. De opplever også at det blir mindre alvorlig, kanskje fordi de ikke står ansikt til ansikt med personen og at det som skjer på internett ikke er det samme som skjer i ”virkeligheten”. Bing forklarer dette på en god måte. Vi har ikke utviklet holdninger til hvordan vi skal oppføre oss på internett nettopp fordi dette er så nytt for oss. Mange sitter fortsatt med et inntrykk at det de foretar seg på internett ikke har sammenheng med det som skjer utenom internett, det er der de tar feil. Dette kan skyldes at det er de svake som mobber, de klarer ikke å se dette skillet. En annen grunn til at elevene er mye mer krassere i beskrivelsen, kommer av at de kan være anonyme og dermed slipper å stå for det de har skrevet. Sørfjordmo, leder for Konfliktrådet i Sør-Trøndelag, og Lutdal Skjetne, leder for Konfliktrådet i Nord-Trøndelag, uttaler at når man er anonym er terskelen for å legge ut sjikanerende meldinger lavere.

Guro Jørgensen informasjonssjef for konfliktrådene i Norge forteller til Aftenposten at foreldrene ikke har kontroll over hva som skjer og klarer ikke henge med, ungdommene har full råderett.Det samme gjelder for lærere.
Elevene vi intervjuet satt med et inntrykk av at lærere og foreldre visste lite om det som foregikk over internett og sms. Noen uttalte at de voksne tror de vet mye, men egentlig har de ikke peiling på hva som foregår. Foreldrene visste lite om profilene til barna fordi mange la ut upassende bilder av seg selv samtidig som de oppgir mange personlige opplysninger. Elevene mente det var lett å gjøre som man ville på internett nettopp fordi foreldre og lærere ikke brydde seg, de uttalte at dette var noe som var tilholdt ungdommer og da kunne de ordne opp i problemene som foregikk på nettet selv. Jeg tror at denne unnskyldningen fra foreldre og lærere ofte skyldes uvitenhet, både når det gjelder internett som kommunikasjonsarena samt hva som egentlig foregår på internett. Når foreldre og lærere fraskriver seg ansvaret for denne problematikken, fraskriver de seg å ta ansvar for en veldig alvorlig ting som mobbing. Den digitale mobbingen foregikk ikke bare på nettet på ettermiddagstid, men elevene dro dette med seg på skolen. Dermed er det et problem på skolen og nettopp derfor må foreldrene og lærere bry seg. Elevene ga eksempel på lærere som hadde nettby-profil og som hadde en viss kontroll ved å være aktiv og undersøke det som skjedde på nettby. Mange elever følte seg overvåket. For å unngå å bli overvåket av lærerne laget elevene seg hemmelige profiler og snakket i koder. Enkelte skoler har valgt å stenge nettsider som nettby og facebook, men elevene fortalte at en lett kan åpne disse igjen ved å endre proxyinnstillingene, noe som lærerne ikke er klar over. Dette betyr at elevene sitter med mye kunnskap på feltet IKT. Kanskje man kan snu den negative trenden ved digital mobbing og heller finne en måte å utnytte elevenes kunnskaper og ressurser på dette feltet?

Bildet er hentet fra

Hva kan vi gjøre med den digitale mobbinga? Jeg tror det er viktig at elevene blir gjort oppmerksom på nettverksregler og hvordan man faktisk oppfører seg på nett. Samtidig tror jeg det er viktig å bevisstgjøre dem om at den informasjonen om deg som havner på internett kan være ødeleggende dersom den misbrukes. Datatilsynet jobber nå med å nå frem til ungdommene for å vise dem konsekvensene ved nettpublisering av bilder og videoer for de som er involverte. Sørfjordmo mener det er svært viktig at partene får møtes i Konfliktrådet, noe som jeg er enig i. Grunnen til dette er at den fornærmede for å forklare hvordan det oppleves.

Å kommunisere gjennom digitale medier har jo selvfølgelige positive sider også dersom en ser bort fra den digitale mobbinga. Jeg ser at denne kommunikasjonen er svært gunstig når en jobber med skolearbeid der en ikke har mulighet å møtes. Dermed kan en kommunisere for eksempel gjennom msn og løse oppgaver sammen. Elever og studenter fungere som læringsstillas ovenfor hverandre og en kan nå den proksimale utviklingssonen.

Videoen viser indirekte hvordan digital mobbing fungerer:

mandag 8. februar 2010

Why blogging?

(Bildet er hentet fra
When I first heard about blogging, I thought that this was a phenomenon reserved young people. I think I have this opinion because the blogs that I see on the internet is owned by teenage people. I don’t think I share this opinion by myself. And it not so strange because in Norway it is most common for people under 30 years old to blog. Often we see young girls blogging about make-up and fashion, because this is their big interests. These teenage girls is often been called pink bloggers because the topic is very girly. Because of this, maybe some people feel disabled to blog because they think that this is reserved young people.
Something we don’t know is that blogging is quite common in the United States. Here are the bloggers older and they write about more serious things such as politics, music and other topics that is current. I think that this trend also will reach Norway in short time.

But I can’t help ask the question. Why do we blog? Why do we want to publish our privacy on the internet where everyone can have an insight in our life?
Of course, we can choose to have a low profile and remain private. Though it’s difficult not to write about who you are and why you have your opinion about politics or music. Some information about our privacy will be publish either we want it or not. And if you don’t get personal, the blog might get boring and people lose interest reading about you.

There is a saying, if you don’t exist on google, then you don’t exist at all. For some people, this saying is almost reality, especially for the young people. In the practice during my education, I and my co-student did an inquiry on a secondary school about young people’s habits when they use the internet. A large proportion of the students had accession to a computer, either their own or the family’s computer. And a larger proportion had a profile either on twitter, facebook, nettby or they had their own blog. Often they had profiles on all of these arenas. My impression is that if these young people didn’t have a profile on the web or a blog, they weren’t popular. It seemed like the young people social life took place on the web. The chatting with their friends took place for example on MSN or that they commented each other’s blog.

Unfortunately the harassment also took place on the web, and this harassment was more brutal than the harassment that takes place face to face. Humiliating comments on each other’s profiles were common and the comments were more brutal than if the person was going to confront each other face to face. This is because they think that they are anonymous when they mob on the net. They can’t feel the personal presence when they write these comments; therefore it’s easier to write more brutal things than to say it face to face.

The harassment isn’t only just about comments. In our multimedia world, today almost everyone have access to a camera. They either take picture or films people in awkward situations, publish it on the web and invite people to make comments about the picture or the film. The picture or film can be removed, but by then the picture or film have reached a lot of people. A large damage have take place and there is not much we can do to fix it. This is a new and seriously harassment and we don’t know how to deal with it yet.

So why will some people expose themselves for something like this? Well, as I mentioned earlier. These people live their social life on the web and if they don’t? Then you aren’t popular, you don’t “exists”. But it’s not just the young people that live their social life on the web. It is becoming more and more seldom that I actually meet my friends face to face. Still I know what’s going on in their life because I either by communicate with them by chat programs or I read their blog.

I think that there also is another reason why we expose ourselves on the web. It’s is a way to draw attention. In our blog, we want to pleasure others by giving them an opportunity to read about our lives. We want to inspire other people, some think blogging is a way to get known and make money. But all in all it comes down to that we want to be seen and recognized, it’s about recognition.

We want an attestation that we actually exist, and the saying is becoming a reality: if you don’t exist on google, then you don’t exist at all!

mandag 1. februar 2010

No direction home

Today I received the documentary of Bob Dylan, "No direction home".The documentary is directed by Martin Scorsese, who also have directed one of my favourite music documentaries, The Last Waltz, a documentary about The Band.

Are you not familiar with The Band?Well, they were hired to join Bob Dylan on his world tour in 1965 and 1966.

This is a chronicle of Dylans evolution between 1961 and 1966,where he went from being a folk singer to a protest singer to "voice of a generation" to a rock star.

Therefore I have big expectations to this documentary and I am quite excited.

tirsdag 26. januar 2010

The storm named "Ask"

Today the storm "Ask" is going to visit my region,Vesterålen.The weather report announced storm in some parts i northern Norway,up to 30 meters per second.
I'm very excited and quite happy that I get to stay indoors.
It's nice listening to the weather,the wind hammering to the window while you have light the candles and can enjoy a nice cup of tea!:-)

New in this game,this so called "blogging"

Well,the time had come.Anniken had to made a blog of her own.
I never consider making a blog,because I didn't think my life was that intereseting reading about.But here it is!:-)

I am 24 years old and live with my boyfriend,my son and my dog in Hognfjord.A small place nearby Sortland,a town in Nothern Norway.

My interests are my family and friends,so you're going to get a lot of information about these people.
But I also have,wait!There actually three things that I care really about apart from my family and friends.Thats my dog,Bonzo Johan.A three years old mixed breed dog.The dog is named after the cleverest drummer in the world,John Bonham.The drummer in a band called Led Zeppelin (you have probably heard about it).
I love music,both listening and playing it.I sing and play the guitar.I especially like rock from the seventies,so this blog will also contain a lot of writing about my favourite music.
The third thing is cognac.I absolutely love cognac!Especially when I can enjoy it with good friends and good music.

Recently I gave birth to a little boy,and this may be the biggest experience in my life.So this blog will also contains a lot brag-pictueres of him.

Well,thats it for now!More information about me and my universe are on the way!
Thank you for visiting my blog!:-)